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Our Curriculum

Curriculum Implementation


At Horwood & Newton Tracey Primary school, we have developed a curriculum that is inspirational and awe-inspiring, incorporating global themes and 'big events' to create meaningful learning experiences.

Our curriculum, built around our Big Event Curriculum, takes a creative and thematic approach to learning, mapped to the National Curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. The learning journey is thoughtfully designed year by year, with subject-specific content that ensures clear progression, consolidation, and extension of skills and knowledge. Our projects are knowledge-rich and provide engaging learning opportunities across all subjects. Schemes of work and medium-term plans contain lessons and activities directly aligned with the National Curriculum programmes of study.

Our approach is rooted in four key stages of learning:


Our pupils will:

  • Take part in memorable experiences through 'big events' that spark curiosity and enthusiasm. Each project includes an event that sets the tone for learning—whether that’s exploring 100 metres underground at the Big Pit or fossil hunting along the Jurassic Coast in Lyme Regis.

  • Be introduced to new projects and themes in exciting, thought-provoking ways.

  • Begin initial research and set enquiry questions.

  • Make observations and seek answers to key questions.

  • Develop spoken language skills through discussions and presentations.

  • Fully immerse themselves in projects and have fun!



Our children will:

  • Dig deeper into topics to develop a strong understanding and mastery of knowledge and skills.

  • Practise and refine their skills across the curriculum.

  • Compose, make, build, investigate, experiment, and write for a range of purposes.

  • Read widely to support cross-curricular learning.

  • Research independently and follow lines of enquiry based on their interests.


Our pupils will:

  • Apply skills, knowledge, and understanding in real-life and imaginative contexts.

  • Be challenged to solve real or fictional problems, encouraging critical thinking and creativity.

  • Embrace opportunities for imaginative and innovative outcomes.

  • Revisit and refine their learning, ensuring deep understanding.

  • Take on different roles using approaches like Mantle of the Expert to strengthen engagement and problem-solving.


Our children will:

  • Share their learning and achievements with peers, families, and the wider community in a variety of ways.

  • Reflect on their learning journey, evaluating both the process and the outcomes.

  • Take pride in their work and celebrate their successes, fostering a sense of accomplishment and community.