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school history

The school opened in 1876, then called "Lovacott Board School" and has had 27 headteachers (or acting Headteachers) to date.

The longest serving Headteacher was Miss Elizabeth Fuller who started at the school in 1919 until 1940 and remains the longest serving Headteacher of 21 years.

Her nephew, Stewart Fuller was evacuated during the war to Devon and also attended the school.  During this time he lived in the school house with his family and his aunt.  Mr Fuller still lives locally and regularly visits the school - speaking to the children about his experiences and how life has changed locally over the years.

The first Headteacher was appointed on 8th October 1877 and her first entry in the school log book reads, 

"I Charlotte Robinson, took charge of Lovacott Board School.  Average attendance 26.  

18th October The children for the most part have behaved themselves very well.  

26th October The business of the school has gone on this week very well.  A few new scholars have been added.

November 2nd The first class much improved in their transcription.  Average attendance 22.  

9th November average attendance 28.  

16th November The behaviour of the scholars this week especially for the last 3 days has been exceedingly bad. There were a few exceptions, however.  

23rd November  I am glad to say that the conduct of the children has been much better this week, owing to the exercise of a little severity on my part.  Their lessons have not been interrupted.  Average attendance 32."

The school recently had an Open Afternoon when three of the previous Headteachers attended: Mr Dick Chamings, Mr Derek Trewin and Mr Ian Dickerson.  A plaque detailing the previous Headteachers was unveiled by Mr Fuller.  I am happy to report that during the Open Afternoon, unlike the entry in 1877, "The children all behaved exceedingly well, without exception!"