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School Lunch Menu

This page will provide you with everything you need to know about our approach to healthy eating in our school, including information about school dinners, home packed lunches and free school meals (including information on how to apply). If you have any further questions or concerns, please pop in to see us. Caroline, our Catering Manager will be happy to answer any specific questions you may have.

Our school dinner menu is sent home on a four weekly basis and is updated here on our website.

School Dinners

All meals are cooked on site by our catering team, Caroline, Victoria and Jenny. Our school dinner menu follows strict nutritional guidelines laid down by the Department of Education and our aim is to encourage all children to enjoy eating healthy food by offering a range of choices, including daily fruit and vegetable options.

We provide free school dinners for all children in Reception, Class 1 and Class 2. Once children move into Classes 3 and 4, school dinners are available for just £2.50 per day. Our four-week menu follows government nutritional standards and changes termly. We also offer a daily vegetarian meal option.  Payment for school meals should be made via ParentPay.

Children select their lunch choices at morning registration. Please talk about their choice before school so that they remember what they would like each day.

We are used to catering for children with a wide range of allergies – please let us know when your child commences school or is first diagnosed with an allergy, so we can be sure to cater appropriately.

Packed Lunches in Key Stage 2 (Classes 3 and 4)

Children may bring in packed lunches for lunchtime. We ask that you consider healthy eating when making lunch choices. Healthy snacks are allowed, but please no chocolate, fizzy drinks or heavily salted snacks.  Please also note that we are also a nut-free school.

Children in Key Stage 1 (Classes 1 and 2) are provided with a free school meal each day. We encourage all families to utilise the school meals provided. However, we appreciate that some children may wish to bring their own packed lunch.

School Trip

Children in all classes will be provided with a packed lunch when they are away on school trips, unless you specify otherwise. There will be a cost of £2.50 per packed lunch for Classes 3 and 4 (Classes 1 and 2 are free). Choices will typically be selected a few days beforehand. These lunches are prepared in line with the same nutritional guidelines as our daily school dinners.