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Forest School

Mrs Blunt is our trained Forest School Practitioner and each class, throughout the year, enjoys Forest School sessions.  Using the outside as a learning space is a good way to extend the classroom,it is a wonderful way to educate children and connect with nature.  Outdoor learning for many children is special and memorable and offering exciting and enjoyable activities contributes greatly to a high-quality learning experience.

As part of the children’s outdoor learning they can take part in Forest School sessions at the small woodland (Bailey Wood) across the road from the school.  The ethos of Forest School allows learners the time and space to develop skills, interests and understanding through practical hands on experiences. It believes in the importance to play; the importance to access the outdoors (especially a woodland environment); the importance to access and assess risk; and the importance to experience a healthy range of emotions.

 Through outdoor learning we aim to provide:

  • Inspiration to create curiosity, fascination and interest.
  • the freedom to explore different ways of ‘being’, feeling, behaving and interacting because they have the physical, mental and emotional space to be active and interactive
  • opportunities to experience beauty, joy, wonder and eagerness, and become ‘lost in the experience’
  • rich opportunities for developing their imagination and being inventive and resourceful
  • opportunities to encounter challenges and learn to handle risk
  • relief from stress and anxiety: Experiencing a sense of awe and wonder at the natural environment.